Unix Concepts
Shell Programming
Shell Scripting
Unix Questions
vi editing
Unix Concepts
File Management
List Files Command
Copy Directories Command
Removing Directories Quickly
Unix About Links
Creating File Link
Find Command Search
File Management Conclusion
Unix Customization
Creating Aliases Unix
list current Aliases
Displaying Previous Commands
Repeating Previous Commands
Modifying Previous Command
Changing System Prompt
Storing shell Settings
Grep Regular Expression
Define Regex
Using Quotes with Regex
Matching Pattern Occurrences
Matching Pattern Position
Turnoff Character Meaning
Regex Conclusion
Pattern Matching - Quiz
editing with vi
vi Review
Text in vi
Creating Text
Creating Command Shortcuts
Configure Editing Environment
Storing Custom Settings
Esditing Multiple Files
Pasting Text Files
vi Editing Conclusion
Managing Disk Space
Checking Disk Usage
Compressing Uncompressing Files
Viewing Compressed Files
File Archives
Create Archive
Listing Archives
Extracting Archive Files
Managing Disk Space Conclusion
Text abbreviations
In vi, begin the :ab command, which drops your cursor to the status line. Continue by typing the abbreviation tsh, followed by its definition, Town Square Harmonizers.
After entering the :ab command, continue editing the file. In text mode, change the word.
Although the status line is now inactive, the ab: command continues to appear until the status line is redrawn ( by another ex command, for example)
After typing tsh and then a space, the text abbreviation is triggered.
Return to command made by pressing Escape. Then enter :w to save your changes. As a result, the status line changes to display the file name, quartet, followed by the number of lines and characters in the file.
By using the :ab command without arguments, it lists your current abbreviations. As you can see, there is only one. The first column, .tsh is the internal name and is always the same as the second column tsh, which lists the abbreviation.
If you quit vi, you lose any abbreviations that you defined during the session. You also can turn off abbreviations without quitting vi, as show here. In this example:unab tsh is used to temporarily disable the abbreviation.