File Management  «Prev  Next»
Lesson 8

Unix File Management Conclusion

This module covered several advanced file management tasks. You know how to list hidden files, entire directory trees, and directory names. You also learned how to copy and remove a directory tree. Finally, two new commands, ln and find, were introduced. With ln, you can create symbolic links, also called aliases on Macintosh or shortcuts on Windows computers. You also can set search criteria when using the find command to search the filesystem.

Key commands

This module introduced the following key UNIX commands:
  1. ls
  2. cp
  3. rm
  4. ln
  5. find


This module introduced you to the following terms and concepts:
  1. Recursive listing: A recursive listing of a directory is one that repeatedly displays all subdirectories down the hierarchy, until the last level of the directory tree is reached.
  2. Symbolic link: A symbolic link is a name that points to another file or directory. The target of the link can reside on another file system.
  3. Link: A link is another name for a file. A link is similar to a Macintosh alias or a Windows shortcut.
  4. Hard link: A hard link is another name for a file.
In the next module, customization of your UNIX session will be discussed.

File Management Quiz

Click the Quiz link below to answer a few questions about advanced file management tasks.
File Management - Quiz