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Lesson 7 Using the Network Configurator tool
Objective Network Configurator tool/enable multiple network interface cards.

Using the Network Configurator Tool and Serial Networking Devices

In an earlier lesson, you learned how to load a module for a network interface card into the Linux kernel. Once the kernel sees the new network cards, use the Network Configurator tool to configure each network device associated with the cards. The tool is available from System >> Control Panel >> Network Configurator. The Network Configurator is a simple and easy-to-use graphical user interface you can use to enable and update many different interfaces. To configure your network interface cards, first click the Interface tab, then click Add or Edit depending on whether you are adding a new card or updating information for a previously installed card. The following series of images illustrates how to use the Network Configurator to execute the procedure:

1) The Network Configurator Interface Window
The Network Configurator Interface Window

2) After selecting Ethernet as the interface type, you configure the new network interface card by filling in the IP and Netmask information and saving the configuration
After selecting Ethernet as the interface type, you configure the new network interface card by filling in the IP and Netmask information and saving the configuration

3) After installing network interfaces, you make updates or corrections to your existing network interfaces by clicking Edit from the main Network Configurator window.
After installing network interfaces, you make updates or corrections to your existing network interfaces by clicking Edit from the main Network Configurator window, filling in the new IP and Netmask information, and saving the configuration

Using the Network Configurator tool

The following instructions are tested and compatible with:
  1. Cent OS Linux v3/4/5.x.
  2. Fedora Core Linux (older version).
  3. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v3/4/5.x based server.

Method 1: GUI tool system-config-network
Open the X terminal or login using ssh over X based session command (ssh -X user@server-name-here). Type the following command at shell prompt:
$ system-config-network &

Before moving on to the next lesson, click the link below to enhance your understanding of how to enable multiple network interface cards.

Setting up multiple Network Interface Cards

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9, the `NetworkManager` tool is the primary method for configuring network interfaces, including multiple Network Interface Cards (NICs). The previous method of using `ifcfg` files located in `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/` has been deprecated. citeturn0search3
To configure multiple NICs in RHEL 9, follow these steps:
  1. Identify the Network Interfaces:
    • List all network interfaces to determine the names of the NICs:
    •       ip link show
  2. Create Connection Profiles for Each NIC:
    • For the first NIC (e.g., enp3s0):
              nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name NIC1 ifname enp3s0
    • For the second NIC (e.g., enp4s0):
              nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name NIC2 ifname enp4s0
  3. Assign IP Addresses and Netmasks:
    • For NIC1:
              nmcli connection modify NIC1 ipv4.addresses
    • For NIC2:
              nmcli connection modify NIC2 ipv4.addresses
  4. Bring Up the Connections:
    • For NIC1:
              nmcli connection up NIC1
    • For NIC2:
              nmcli connection up NIC2

These steps align with the current best practices for network configuration in RHEL 9. For more detailed information, refer to the official Red Hat documentation on configuring IP networking with `nmcli`. citeturn0search17

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