Configure Linux Components  «Prev  Next»

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Explore Red Hat Linux Course Resources

There are numerous resources offered with this course that will help you to complete it successfully.
In addition to the Orientation, there are several other resources available to you. You will come across those listed below as you progress through the course.

Resources Page

You can find Web links, printable tables, lists of hardware compatibility standards, and installation checklists, and recommended textbooks for this course on the Resources page. The resources page can be located next to the Sitemap link.

Installing Red Hat

Installing an operating system is often a long, drawn−out process that requires a lot of upfront planning. Installation of traditional Unix−based operating systems seems to have been particularly painful in the past, requiring even experienced administrators to fret about partitions and drivers. Early versions of Linux were no different in this respect. The first version of Linux, back in 1993, could be booted up only using Minix which is another Unix-like operating system. That version of Linux could support only the Finnish keyboard because the author of Linux did not have access to a US keyboard! However, since then Linux has grown by leaps and bounds. Each of the major distributions has put a lot of thought and effort into the Linux installation process, and today installing Linux for desktop use is, in common talk, a no−brainer.
Red Hat has caught the attention of the public, breaking away from the standard tradition of distributing disk images and pioneering the concept of distributing software in the form of packages. Right now, the (RPM) Red Hat Package Manager, is a standard in distribution of pre-compiled software packages in the Linux world.
Red Hat has also been improving Linux usability and features in that most daunting area of any operating system, namely installation. The latest version of Red Hat Linux is truly the most user friendly ever, with extensive inputs from professionals. In the next lesson, the learning environment will be discussed.


Configure Linux Components - Glossary
Throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to review definitions of key terms. These terms are defined in the course glossary. The terms appear as blue, italicized, and underlined in the lesson text.

Red Hat Linux Server