Predicate | Meaning |
-o , -a , ! | OR, AND, NOT respectively |
-atime +/-n
-ctime +/-n
-mtime +/-n | Select files accessed (atime ), modified (mtime ), or changed (ctime ) more (+ ) or less (- ) than n days ago. Changed means modified or had ownership or permission changes. |
-newer file | Select files newer than the specified file. |
-type b/c/d/p/l/f | Select files of type block (b ), character (c ), directory (d ), pipe (p ), link (l ), or regular (f ). |
-user name
-group name | Select files with specified user or group. |
-name pattern | Select files with name matching pattern. Pattern should be enclosed in single quotes to protect it from the shell. |
-perm mode
- perm - mode | Select files of the given permission mode. To check if a particular bit is set, use –mode , where mode is the numeric value for the desired bit. For example, -004 checks if the "other read" permission bit is set. |
-print | Needed to generate a list of files; otherwise (on some systems), find will find the files, but not print them. |