Network Admin
Unix Admin
System Admin
Network Security
Network Information
Unix Concepts
Domain Name Service
DNS Namespace
Top Level Domains (L3)
IP Address Name
DNS Zones
Name Servers
DNS Recursive Query
DNS Caching Only
Name Servers - Quiz
Resource Records
Zone File Generalities
Zone File Format
Resource Record Types
SOA Record
Domain Name Service
DNS Lookup
DNS Name Resolution
NSLookup Resource Records
NSLookup Command
Linux Bind
Name Server Configuration
NS File Example
DNS NSLookup Program
Configuring DNS
Configuring DNS Server
NDS Server Configuration
DNS Zone File
Preparing Zone Files
Starting name Server Process
Linux DNS Configuration
Using Sendmail
Network Information Service
Changing NIS Passwords - Exercise
NIS passwords
Start the password daemon and enable network users to change their passwords. This exercise uses a Java applet to simulate a UNIX command line and allows you to practice entering commands. If you do not have Java active in your browser or are behind a firewall that does not allow Java applets, you will not be able to complete this exercise. If you do not see the applet below, click
to review the solution to the exercise and continue with the course.
Exercise scoring
This exercise is not scored. When you have completed the exercise, click the
button to review the solution and continue with the course.
In the last exercise, you saw how all NIS users did not have passwords. Now you’re going to solve this problem. In this exercise, you will complete the NIS setup by starting the password daemon and enabling network users to change their passwords. You will be doing this on a simulated Linux system, but the process and commands are essentially the same for other flavors of UNIX. Start the simulation below and work through the situation presented.