Configure Linux Items
Linux Admin
System Admin
Graphical Environment
Red Hat Linux Admin
Configure xDisplay Server
xWindows System
xfree86 HW Considerations
Video Card Specifications
Configure xfree86 Command Line
Xinstallation Graphical Login
Configuring xstartup xinitrc
xwindows Module Conclusion
Graphical Environment
X Resources Classes
Customizing X Applications
xdefault File
gnome Display
Understand System Admin
Window Managers
Selecting Managers
Remote X Ssessions
Common X Problems
X Windows System
Network Integration
Obtaining Network Information
Configuring Network Interface
Ethernet Connection
Enabling Network Interface
IP Addresses Host Table
DNS To Resolve
Clientside Networking
Network Computing
netstat arp ifconfig
Troubleshooting TCP/IP
Troubleshooting TCP/IP using ifconfig
arp a command
arp acommand Output
Displaying Routing Tables
ppp Connection
ppp Clients
Activating ppp connection
Troubleshooting Connections Conclusion
NFS Client Networking
Network File
Remote Procedure Call
Client Side
Configure NFS Client
NFS Client Protocol
NIS Client Networking
Network Information System
Obtaining Network Information
nsswitch.conf line
authconfig Configure Client
Command Line Configuration
testing nisClient
NIS System Conclusion
NIS Client Networking - Quiz
Troubleshooting Common X problems - Exercise
Explain the strategy you would use to solve the given problem.
This exercise is worth a total of 5 points. To receive full credit, you will need to fully explain how you would solve the problem presented below. Once you have completed your answer, you will submit your answer to the forum.
You have been presented with a workstation. It is set up for graphical login mode, but whenever the Welcome screen pops up, the machine immediately reboots.
Explain how you would go about troubleshooting the problem.
List the steps you would take. Be sure to include the following in your answer:
Files you need to check and their locations
Any configuration utilities you might use
Explanations for your decisions
Submitting your exercise
Enter your answer into the text box below. Click the
button to submit your answer to the forum.