Network Admin
Unix Admin
System Admin
Network Security
Network Monitoring
Linux Administration
TCP/IP Concepts
Four Layers TCP/IP
Application Layer Protocol
TCP/IP Protocol
Transport Layer
Link Layer
IP Addressing Netmasks
Netmask Structure Usage
Networking Conclusion
TCP/IP Configuration
Configuration Process
Name Service Resolver
Name Service Methods
Configure Network Interface
dmesg Command Output
Listing Configuration Interfaces
IP Address Netmask
Changing IP Address
Configuring Routing Table
What is ARP?
ARP - Quiz
Single Machine Host Names
TCP/IP Conclusion
Network Daemons
Clients Servers
Port Numbers
Known Port Numbers
Ephemeral Port Numbers
TPC/UDP Port Numbers-Quiz
Listening Server Process
Iterative Concurrent Servers
inetd Super Server
Stand Alone Servers
Remote Procedure Calls
Check Port Mapper Process
Survey Common Services
Telnet Clients Servers
FTP Bulk Data Transfer Service
Berkeley Commands rloginrsh
xprotocol Display
Port Number Service Conclusion
Network Monitoring
ping command
Determine Network Connections
Determining listening Servers
Routing Table Status
Netstat Command Statistics
Netstat Command Options
Using Traceroute
Packet Sniffing TcpDump
Network Monitoring Conclusion
Determining Network Connections - Exercise
Using netstat to view active TCP connections (Linux)
Use netstat to view active TCP connections.
Exercise Simulation
This exercise uses simulates a UNIX command line and allows you to practice entering commands.
Exercise scoring
This exercise is not scored. When you have completed the exercise, click the
button to continue with the course.
In this exercise, you will use
to view active TCP connections on your machine. Start the simulation below and work through the situation presented. When you have completed the exercise, click the
button to review the exercise solution.
1) Netstat Linux 1
2) Netstat Linux 2
3) Netstat Linux 3
4) Netstat Linux 4
5) Netstat Linux 5
6) Netstat Linux 6
7) Netstat Linux 7
8) Netstat Linux 8
You want to list the active TCP connections between your system and others. Issue the appropriate command now.
List active TCP connections
netstat -t
Use netstat -t to discover the active TCP connections between your system and any other.
Notice that you see only one connection. In the meantime, several users have opened Telnet connections on your system. Re-issue the netstat command to see what additional TCP connections have occurred.
Re-issue netstat command
netstat -t
Use netstat -t to see what new connections have occurred.
Notice that each connection comes from a different host. Each hostname has a colon after it, complete with a number. For example, othermachine has 13255 after it. The figure 13255 is the ephemeral, or temporary, TCP port number on the remote side of this new connection. Now, establish a Telnet connection to the remote host telnetserver.away.com, making sure that this process runs in the background. |||(S5)Hint: What character do you use to send a process to the background?
Establish a Telnet connection
telnet telnetserver.away.com
Use telnet telnetserver.away.com & to connect to telnetserver.away.com.You need not specify a port number, because using Telnet defaults to port 23. Also, remember that the & sign makes the process run in the background.
Reissue the netstat -t command to learn more about this connection.
Re-issue netstat -t command,
netstat -t
Use netstat -t
The readout shows that your Telnet client is connected to the Telnet port on the remote machine telnetserver.away.com. Now kill the background telnet process using kill %telnet
Kill background telnet process,
kill %telnet
Enter kill %telnet to kill the background telnet process.