Iterative Concurrent Servers - Quiz Explanation

The answers you selected are indicated below, along with text that explains the correct answers.
1. What are the two modes of operation for a listening server process?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Telnet and HTTP
  B. Telnet and FTP
  C. Iterative and concurrent
  D. TCP and concurrent
  The correct answer is C. The two modes of operation for a listening server process are iterative and concurrent. When an iterative server is handling a request, other connections to that port are blocked. A concurrent server is always available for incoming connections.

2. Why is a concurrent server able to remain available for incoming connections?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Because it uses fewer system resources, such as entries in the kernel's process table, than an iterative server
  B. Because it relies on the inetd process to listen to many ports simultaneously
  C. Because it calls fork() to split itself into a child and parent process, so while the child handles the connection, the parent listens on the original port
  D. Because it uses the exec() system calls to start the specific server processes needed to handle the connection at that well-known port
  The correct answer is C. A concurrent server spawns new copies of itself to handle multiple incoming connections.

3. How is the inetd process controlled?
Please select the best answer.
  A. By the file /etc/services
  B. By the rpcinfo command
  C. By the in.telnetd daemon
  D. By the /etc/inetd.conf file
  The correct answer is D. The inetd process is controlled by the /etc/inetd.conf file. This configuration tells inetd how to respond to incoming connections on a given port.