How do I install the optional components in Windows?
Minimum hardware components
Certificate Services: Allows you to create and request X.509 digital certificates for authentication. Certificates provide a verifiable means of identifying users on nonsecure networks, such as the Internet.
Cluster Service: Enables two or more servers to work together to keep server-based applications highly available, regardless of individual component features. This service is available only in the Advanced Server and Datacenter versions of Windows.
Internet Information Services (IIS): Includes FTP and Web servers, the administrative interface for IIS, common IIS components, and documentation.
Management and Monitoring Tools: Includes tools for monitoring and improving network performance.
Message Queuing Services: Supports applications that send messages to queues. Queues act like caches, controlling the flow of data to destinations and ensuring that messages reach their destinations.
Message queuing also allows applications to communicate across heterogeneous networks and with computers that may be temporarily offline.
Networking Services: Include the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server service, DNS, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), print server, file and print services, and other networking components.
Other Network File and Print Services: Enable sharing of files and printers on this computer with Macintosh and UNIX-based computers.
Remote Installation Services: Enables remote installation of Windows Professional over a network connection.
Remote Storage: Allows the user to use tape libraries as extensions of NTFS volumes, automatically moving data to and from tape media.
Script Debugger: Allows client- and server-side debugging of Microsoft® ActiveX® script engines, such as a script written in Microsoft® Visual Basic(r), Scripting Edition (VBScript), or Microsoft® JScript.
Terminal Services: Enable Windows 95 and 98, Windows NT Workstation, Windows Professional, and Windows-based terminals to access a virtual Windows Server desktop session and Windows-based applications.